sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013


               lui Neculai Enache

Cu privirea

înălţată spre ceruri
măturând picăturile de ploaie,

se pierdea în zare
cu limba ce-i atârna peste buze

pândindu-şi conştiinţa.

Îşi simţea capul
golit de orice gând:

Durerea este o ispăşire…

The expiation
                        To Neculai Enache

With his look

lifted into the sky
sweeping the raindrops,

he lost himself at the skyline
with his tongue hanging over the lips

while lying in wait for his consciousness.

Was feeling his mind
emptied by any thought:

The pain is expiation…

traducere: ELENA BUZATU

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